Front End vs Back End Difference Between Application Development

If you choose to change information, then the backend will process the request and voila — it gets updated. You’ll also want to familiarize yourself with some front-end frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular. Frameworks are specialized technologies that help you set up applications. Rather than writing everything from scratch, frameworks allow you to speed up the development process.

difference between frontend and backend developer

Frontend developers don’t actually design these front-facing aspects of a website—this is the job of a web designer, or more specifically, a UI designer. The frontend developer takes this design and builds it into something functional using the frontend languages we talked about above. In short, front-end developers focus more on the website’s design, functionality, and appearance. They can work closely with designers to change and set the visual aspects of a website, such as text, typeface, font, size, layout, graphics, and animations. They need to know programming languages that more directly relate to the design of a website. Now it’s common to see javascript-heavy websites and apps built using UI frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular.

Become a Front End or Back End Developer

It achieves this with the help of an application running on the server that contains the necessary logic that gathers the requested information and resources for the right user. Backend server-side scripts, written in a backend scripting programming language, are responsible for processing the requests. Another big part of a frontend developer’s job is to make sure websites are accessible to all users. This entails creating web accessibility functions that would make browsing the web a pleasant experience for everyone.

difference between frontend and backend developer

For example in the picture you can see that backend of the first system has rest web service which is a clear separation line. If you are interested in pursuing back end development as a career, the table below offers highly rated programs, or you can check out our comprehensive list of back end development bootcamps. Skilled front end developers and back end developers are in demand, and those with experience and a strong portfolio can land high-paying positions at startups, large organizations, and nonprofits. To summarize, the frontend involves all the parts a user interacts with, whereas the backend is the logic that powers the frontend interactions. If you enjoy solving problems by breaking them down into smaller pieces, implementing algorithms, and finding an optimal and most effective solution, maybe backend development is for you. When working with relational databases (such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle), you will use SQL.

Front vs Back-End Developer: Which is Right for Me?

In contrast, another company may require you to simplify a data-heavy website by eliminating the overuse of HTML and making a plan that mainly utilizes JavaScript. However, all computers have limits, so it may be difficult to expand upon the limits set by your current machinery. In that case, you must either shift to a larger system or reconfigure the database as a NoSQL database (which is horizontally scalable). You have to look at your personality and just go for the one that best suits your personality. Although there is no right or wrong choice I will be listing out some qualities you can look out for to decide which you should choose.

Your job is to use your experience and training to provide solutions to their digital problems. To determine which one—front end or back end—is right for you, start by learning the job duties, languages, and frameworks used in each career path. They use HTML to create the website’s skeleton, design the look with CSS and make it interactive using JavaScript. Developers must conduct quality and usability testing, fix bugs and use design programs to lay out a website prototype. Web development careers are well-suited for curious, detail-oriented people who love to learn. But first, you have to decide between becoming a front-end vs. back-end developer.

Front-End Development Languages

A key component of backend programming is using a server-side scripting programming language. It’s safe to say that the role of a backend developer varies from company to company and from job to job. Let’s take a real-world example to illustrate the different backend functionalities available on modern web applications. Essentially, the backend is what the users don’t have direct access to or don’t directly interact with and are most likely unaware of when using an application. Backend development deals with the technologies responsible for storing and securely manipulating user data.

difference between frontend and backend developer

Like front-end developers, aspiring back-end developers might benefit from earning a degree related to back-end development, but most employers don’t require a degree. Team structure varies depending on the company’s size, but front-end developers usually work alongside designers, back-end developers and quality assurance analysts. Many web developers specialize in either front end or back end, but it’s essential to understand both aspects. And if both sound equally interesting to you, consider becoming a full-stack developer. Save time and costs, plus maximize site performance, with $275+ worth of enterprise-level integrations included in every Managed WordPress plan. This includes a high-performance CDN, DDoS protection, malware and hack mitigation, edge caching, and Google’s fastest CPU machines.

Front End Developer vs Back End Developer – Definition and Meaning In Practice

Our career-change programs are designed to take you from beginner to pro in your tech career—with personalized support every step of the way. Browsers or client apps cache files from the application and use them to improve performance. Caching temporarily stores copies of application files, which makes them easier to retrieve the next time they are needed. You can use caching to improve an application’s load time and performance.

You can also browse the computer programming offerings on to gain new skills that can often translate quickly to real-world jobs. You may have also heard of Node.js, which is an open-source platform that’s neither a language nor a framework. It is used to let different applications work together for a complex goal. The simpler, the better—but most back-end developers know it’s not that easy. Efficiency can mean fewer problems for the client and customers alike. Since the back end has completely different functions, back-end developers must use different tools to accomplish the client’s goals.

Frameworks are usually smaller packages meant to complete a specific purpose and essentially “force” the developer into following specific guidelines, languages, and architectures. Frameworks are usually considered better for efficiency (since they’re like preset templates), while libraries provide more freedom (but far less assistance, so they’re not meant for scaling rapidly). On the other hand, Libraries tend to “dump” more resources onto the developer without providing as much structure. Some libraries are borderline frameworks, and frameworks typically contain what would be considered a library. Simply put, a library may help a developer perform specific tasks but not require any architectural site style of the developer.

  • To put it simply, the front end manages the parts of websites and applications that users actually see and interact with to perform certain tasks.
  • Those with good experience and a strong portfolio can have a good career and get high-paying positions at startups, large organizations, and companies.
  • Keep reading to learn more about front-end vs. back-end development, including key proficiencies required for both focuses.
  • Backend development deals with the technologies responsible for storing and securely manipulating user data.
  • Andrés Reales is the founder of Become a Better Programmer blogs and tutorials and Senior Full-Stack Software Engineer.
  • Your website needs a database to manage all the customer and product information.

Yes, we could just combine frontend and backend development with a more general term like “development,” and guess what, we do! The term “development” is simply an overarching category that refers to all types of coding, design, and website building. Also, there’s a term called full-stack development, which refers to both the frontend and backend. If you want to choose a career path in software development, you may want to get a clear understanding of the difference between frontend and backend development. At Coding Dojo, we know what it takes to learn a programming language, apply what you’ve learned, and land a job in programming once you’re ready.

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